NuWave maintains up to date with the ever-changing utility, federal, and state rebate and incentive programs across the country. Our expert team will prepare all applications and assure compliance to maximize all the funds available for your energy conservation project. NuWave also accepts these incentives and grants as partial payment reducing the out of pocket cost for the project.


Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) doesn’t require a capital investment and provides immediate energy and utility savings. The net result is ROI and payback criteria is met on day one. This solution is great for portfolio wide energy and sustainability programs allowing scale and transferring risk. Clients can save their capital dollars to invest in their core business while realizing instant operational savings.
On-Bill Funding
With on-bill funding via some state utility programs or in deregulated energy markets OBF is a great solution requiring no upfront capital. Payments are made monthly on your electricity or natural gas bill and appear as a separate line item. Programs typically include flexible 36 to 84 month terms and allow customers to preserve capital critical to their business while reducing usage and carbon footprints. In some cases customers can also delay payments up to 24 months while installing energy efficiency projects today and realizing immediate savings.
C-Pace Financing
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) is a state policy-enabled financing mechanism that allows building owners to access the capital they need to make energy related upgrades and deferred maintenance to the existing buildings. C-PACE provides commercial property owners low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy and water conservation projects. These upgrades can be financed with no money down and repaid as a benefit assessment on the property tax bill over a term that matches the useful life of the improvements (typically 20 years). Ask the NuWave team if C-PACE is available in your area and the right funding solution for your energy or infrastructure project.

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